FlexGen 2000.3 (Not full working under win NT) This new version include some other functions: 1) Fixed many entries in database and added other. 2) Fixed SEED1 and SEED2 value if you create a INI from magic number if the DLL used is 325. The previous versions invert the two SEED. 3) Added a preliminary users number field, that at the moment DON'T work this cause another change in database format. 4) Added a FlexLM V7.0a partial support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FlexGen 2000.2 (Not full working under win NT) 1) Due big abuse of database information by other groups, I decided to encrypt the key/seed/vendor items. This require another change of databse, and included a new database converter program that encrypt your current database. This converter work only with last version of database V4.0 and allow you to convert in new V5.0 crypted. If you like to convert some key/seed/vendor that you manually extract you need to edit the OLD.INI file and insert your numbers, then using DBConvert on this file you can obtain a encrypted OLD.INI that you manually append on your current FLEXGEN.INI database V5.0. 2) Added many other item in databse, and fixed some other. 3) Added a 16 bit DLL for management of old application that use them. 4) Fixed some bugs, and probably introduced new. FlexGen 2000.1 (Not full working under win NT) 1) Updated INI files with many other applications. 2) Another change in database format, now the database version (the first line of FLEXGEN.INI) must be 'DBVersion=4.0'. This new change include a new Item on database, the Issuer= line. 3) Added the Issuer field to allow user to change the Issuer string, in terms of adding before 'Team-Rebels/1999' some other text, according to the some new programs that need that this filed must start with proper string. If you write in this field 'XXXX' the resultant string will be 'Issuer=XXXX-Team-Rebels/1999'. 4) Added a new KEY7-ID Editor functionality, now you can modify an create your own LMGRxxx.DLL that emulate the proper KEY7-ID. The previous version have a fixed ID emulated, but is banned by some programs, then is usefull that you can create the your own. 5) Corrected Text in Issuer from Team-Rebeels/1999 to Team-Rebels/1999. 6) Fixed the \LMFEAT\LMGR326B.DLL now give correct version number instead of 'f'. FlexGen 2000.0 (Not full working under win NT) This release is not managed by blastsoft due him levaed the scene, so the flexgen project continue with support of other crackers in Rebels. 1) Updated INI files. 2) Removed partial support of FlexLM V7.0 due cause strange problems, seems globetrotter found solution to fill LM holes. 3) Another change in database format, now the database version (the first line of FLEXGEN.INI) must be 'DBVersion=3.0'. With this last change, the database version number change only if the database formad is changed really, with previous method, the database is compatible only with the proper version of FlexGen. 4) Fixed DEAMON string with DAEMON :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlexGen 99 build 689 (Not full working under win NT) 1) Added/Fixed more items on license database. 2) Added new 'Known Special' to help user with special strings. FlexGen 99 build 654 (Not full working under win NT) 1) Added/Fixed more items on license database. 2) Fixed the text '64chr' to '80chr' in make INI from Magic number. 3) Added support for behavior V6.1. 4) Added partial support for behavior V7.0 (not tested yet due non available program that use this new version of FlexLM) Also no \LMFEATS \KEY7 \LMGRS dll will be available since at least one program that use this dll is available. NOTE: check below info for know the new database format. FlexGen 99 build 601 (Not full working under win NT) 1) Added/Fixed more items on license database. 2) Fixed a problem in generation of .INI from magic number, some time don't recognize behavior v5.0 from magic number, now work ok. 3) Replaced the 'Open' button with 'Save' on save license dialog. 4) Fixed the filename LICENSE.DAT on save dialog. 5) Added a 'Daemon Info' section, now you can modify/personalize the daemon informations, adding your hostID and your IP instead of fixed item of previous version. **************************** WARNING *********************************** DUE DAEMON CONFIGURABLE, THE DATABASE FORMAT IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OLDER VERSION. For readapt the database you must add on each Progam Item this two lines after the 'Daemon=???' entry: DaemonHost=ANY DaemonIP= This is an example of New and Old Database Format: New Format Old Format ---------------- --------------- [Program Name] [Program Name] Key1=11111111 Key1=11111111 Key2=22222222 Key2=22222222 Key3=33333333 Key3=33333333 Key4=44444444 Key4=44444444 Key5=55555555 Key5=55555555 Seed1=66666666 Seed1=66666666 Seed2=77777777 Seed2=77777777 Vendor=vendorid Vendor=vendorid VendorString= VendorString= HostID=ANY HostID=ANY Expire=1-jan-0 Expire=1-jan-0 Licenses=0 Licenses=0 DLLVer=326 DLLVer=326 Behavior=6.0 Behavior=6.0 Checksum=NO Checksum=NO Daemon=YES Daemon=YES * DaemonHost=ANY Special= * DaemonIP= Feature01=FEATURE feature,version Special= Info01=Info Line Feature01=FEATURE feature,version Info01=Info Line * = new lines to be added. FlexGen 99 build 589 (Not full working under win NT) 1) Fixed problem with HD serial changer, that wouln't work. 2) Fixed the KEY7 emulation, now a correct number appear in known HostID selector. 3) FlexGen don't work in NT when you use the option: a) Use Daemon b) Add Checksum It will be fixed as soon. 4) A little restyled. 5) Now you can save browsing resources. 6) Fixed 'Auto Generate' when there are only one items. FlexGen 99 build 563 (Not full working under win NT) 1) Added the FEATURE or INCREMENT selection. 2) Added a new field named SPECIAL, needed for some licensing type. 3) Added a Hard Disk Serial Number Changer (Is useful to change your serial HD serial for enable existent working license) A dos utility is included too for changing HD serial Number. 4) Added many entries in database. 5) Added a set of new DLL that can emulate Harware Dongle named KEY 7. Using this DLL require that you create license with Locked IP with FLEXID=7-81a5750f as HostID. 6) Fixed some buggy DLL that some time crash and don't give proper informations. WARNING, the database format is changed, and old database format is not good enought for this version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I would like to thank Pilgrim that wrote a real solution in a fravia essays. This essay is included in this package. What is FlexGen ? Is a really great tools that allow everyone to generate a valid FlexLM license. How FlexGen can do it ? Using various trick and back door inside FlexLM DLL's. Who can generate licenses ? All skilled people that know something about crack and is able to hex edit some executables files. How you can know if the program use FlexLM license system ? Is easy, you can check if in the program directory there is a dll named LMGR324A.DLL or LMGR324C.DLL or LMGR325A.DLL or LMGR325B.DLL or simply if is esplicit mentioned in user manual, or readme files. START: Just for start I give you some information about how work the FlexLM encryption system. The encription system is based in some Vendor Keys numbers and Vendor Code string. With all this information you are able to do a valid license. The structure of License keys is based of 7 Key and 1 string. The Keys are named: Key1, Key2, key3, Key4, and Key5 plus two other Seed 1 Key and Seed 2 key, the string contain the vendor name assigned string. To obtain all this information you have two method: 1) Using the included DLL that must be replaced to original, this DLL can give you all information about keys and vendor code. The explanation as follow. 2) Operate as descripted in Pilgrim essays, this option is only for good cracker, than can know how to use debugger very good. FlexGen program is a generic license generator, and as input need a various kind of information. All this information are stored in a pratce FLEXGEN.INI file that can be personalized and updated as well. Now i explain how you how edit this file to add your product licenses preset. Infact the INI file can contain multiple license information. The ini file contains various information and this is the explanation: NOTE: You cannot change the order of the items, and the lenght of the keys take care. [Application] - Title of the product that FlexGen manage Key1=12345678 - Key1 (that you can obtain using the included DLL) Key2=12345678 - Key2 (that you can obtain using the included DLL) Key3=12345678 - Key3 (that you can obtain using the included DLL) Key4=12345678 - Key4 (that you can obtain using the included DLL) Key5=12345678 - Key5 (that you can obtain using the included DLL) Seed1=12345678 - Seed1 (that you can obtain using the included DLL) Seed2=12345678 - Seed2 (that you can obtain using the included DLL) Vendor=vendord - Vendor code (that you can obtain using the included DLL) VendorString= - Optional Vendor String information that can contain text HostID=ANY - The machine Host Id where the program run. ANY=Run in all machine (you can change the hostid, and produce a nodelocked license too) Expire=1-jan-0 - Expiration date 1-jan-0=never expire (you can create a temporary license if needed) Licenses=0 - Number of contemporary Users of this program 0=infinite (you can create a limited users license if needed) DLLVer=326 - DLL version, the valid number are 325 or 326 that must match with used DLL version, this data is obtained with the included DLL too Behavior=6.0 - Behavior version, this item must match with correct behavior used by program, this data is obtained by the modeified DLL checksum=NO - I you put YES here a checksum text will be generated, some programs need this checksum (if you use this option and the program don't need it, the license is good enought) this option is very slow Daemon=NO - If program need a DAEMON based license you must put here YES DaemonHost=ANY - Here put the daemon Host ID normally is ANY, but in some case other value is needed. DaemonIP= - Here put the daemon IP normally is not needed, but in some case other value is needed. Special= - This is a special string that may be required for some licenses type. Issuer= - In this string you can add your Issuer string, some licenses need this filed filled with proper string. Feature01=XXX,VV - Feature and version. The Feature is the TEXT name of the feature to be enabled separed by coma the version of the program. The included DLL can help you to find this two items. Info01=XXXXX - Information line that explain some info about this license set To find feature there are various method: 1) The program is accomplished by a prototype license, and you can see here all FEATURE available, and this is the lukyest case. 2) The program when started tell you that the xxxx FEATURE is not found in license file. 3) The program don't start telling you about strange license problems.. in this case you must HexEdit the main .EXE program, and find yourself the FEATURE name. Is not simple, but tipically the FEATURE name is really mnemonic. For example a CAD program named superCAD needs that the first FEATURE that must be enabled is sperCAD, or superCAD_nt or superCAD_view ecc ecc. When you found at least one FEATURE in the main .EXE file, near this FEATURE you sure found all FEATURE that the program can manage, Infact normally all FEATURE are wrote in the file sequentially. 4) Using the included DLL, you can obtain at least ONE FEATURE (the first checked) and the related version (description to how to used the included DLL is follow). In some case the Box with feature can appear many time with various feature note all of them, and add in your INI, because these are all good feature to be inserted in the license. OK now you have prepared your INI, then you can generate the license. Start FlexGen program, and try to press Generate, if a text in a big white box appear, ou have filled all field correctly. If you have some errors you have typed some wrong. If all is OK (as I hope) now you can check if the license is really valid pressing 'Generate' then 'Check', if you have a positive result, all information that you typed in the INI is 100% correct. Now you can obtain your license for the product you add in INI. A 'Automatic License Generation' is available, and this button generate the license for all FEATURE that you have put in the INI file.If you put 10 FEATURE, in the big white textbox you can see all this 10 feature with all other information to make this lines valid. After generation of license you can press 'Save' button to save your license. You can also generate sequentially license for various program, and all will be saved in a single LICENSE.DAT file. How to use the included DLL to get all needed information for generate licenses ? 1)Step ONE Use \LMGRS DLL's to find correct vendor keys: Ok simple... Locate the installed LMGR32XX.DLL in your installation DIR of interested program. Then replace (doing a backup of the old DLL) this DLL with the same DLL included in the subdir \LMGRS on the installation dir of FLEXGEN. Now make sure that you have this line (or similar) in AUTOEXEC.BAT SET lm_license_file=c:\flexlm\license.dat If you have not put it in the AUTOEXEC.BAT and restart your system. Copy the included LICENSE.DAT in in the lm_license_file path that in this case is C:\FLEXLM. (you will find the LICENSE.DAT in \LMGRS dir too) Then Start the program that you need license and wait until a messagebox appear. This Messagebox must contain a big Magic Number composed by 80 CHR, and the title of this Messagebox is the vendor code name. Note on the paper this two information (vendor code, and Magic Number) and use the option 'Make INI form Magic Number' on FLEXGEN program. Fill the two field, and press 'GENERATE' then press 'SAVE'. If all is go right you have a TEMPLATE.INI file that you must complete and append in the current FLEXGEN.INI, and now you are able to generate license for this program. For complete the TEMPLATE.INI see follow instructions. Before you test the licenses you must replace the LMGRXX.DLL with original, because the included DLL cannot be used with valid licenses. NOTE: Some program have integrated the LMGR32XX.DLL in the main .EXE then This trick cannot be used. The searching of this number of this kind of program must be do by a expert cracker. See included related Essay. 2)Step TWO Use \LMFEAT DLL's to find correct feature and version: To obtain a feature and version you must replace the LMGRXXXX.DLL with the proper dll in \LMFEAT subdir of flexgen installation, and restart the program. A box appear with the feature as TEXT and version as Title. Note this two item in a paper and put in your TEMPLATE.INI previous generated. Now append this TEMPLATE.INI on the FLEXGEN.INI and you can obtain a license for this feature. Is probable that this is not the only FEATURE available, but much more are present, then you can hexedit the proper .EXE or .DLL that manage license and try to find the text of founded FEATURE, when find it, near this text you can find many other text that can be valid FEATURE. Type all them in the .INI and you can generate license with all FEATURE enabled. Note: In some case the Box with feature can appear many time with various feature note all of them, and add in your INI, because these are all good feature to be inserted in the license. Conclusion: So the program is not tested with many programs, but only with the program included in the current INI but seems that work fine. If some one have trouble or problem, please ask Team-Rebels, then if he can try to fix it. Team-Rebels 1999 Last but not least, all license generated by this program, have at the end of all lines a text 'ISSUER=Team-Rebels/1999' that CANNOT BE MODIFIED otherwais the license will be unvalidated. NEWS: From the version 2000.1 is possible to add strings to this filed. you can modify it for make some license working. You cannot change any text in the LICENSE.DAT file, because the encription Number must match with all text wroten on the FEATURE Line included Date, version, Vendor String, Issuer. You can change almost all this item during generation of license, (you can change date, version, vendor string, feature, ecc, but you can't change ISSUER item. This is the only things that I would for this great tools that is free an to protect Rebels group for un-proper use of this license generator by other group.